How to Get Your Nannies to Stick Around — Tips For Being a Good Employer
If your family is like many others, you’ve had at least a few nannies in the past. Having to constantly break ties with nannies and form new ones can be frustrating for parents and heartbreaking for children. The most important thing parents can do to break this pattern is to get real feedback from their former nannies. Try going online and reading testimonials from nannies who are aware of the top issues that could cause nannies to leave their jobs (surprisingly, although salary is a factor, it is not even at the top of the list! ), if this is impossible or uncomfortable. Here are a few of the most common complaints received from nannies worldwide.

An Unclear Job Description
When it’s someone else’s responsibility, it’s never fun to be unpleasantly surprised by an extra pile of work at the office every day. The same is true for the nanny. Caring for children is nanny jobs Ghaziabad. It is acceptable to ask the nanny to complete household chores, but you shouldn’t expect her to do so without being asked and receiving additional compensation. A family that wants a full-service maid should think about hiring one! The care of the children should always be the nanny’s top priority. Give the nanny full custody of your children and delegate housework to her. This is also true if you plan to run errands, go to school functions, take your kids to soccer practice, or expect the nanny to go with the family on vacation. Assuming you need these things it’s entirely OK, however, be clear about the precisely the exact thing you will expect of the caretaker from the very first moment!
An Unappreciated Nanny
As indicated by most babysitters there are heaps of ways of causing them to feel appreciated, yet additionally, 1,000,000 different ways to inconspicuously show you are exploiting their administrations. Childcare for a nanny is more than just staying in the house all day. It’s likely that the nanny is out and about with the kids, engaging in activities that could cost money, using gas money, buying snacks, and doing other things. Even if the nanny is reimbursed, a family that expects the nanny in Faridabad to pay out of pocket does not appreciate her doing fun and educational activities with the children and instead punishes her by draining her personal finances, even if only temporarily. The indifference to the nanny’s personal time is another common mistake. Whether the nanny is a live-in nanny or is simply frequently asked to stay late, the family is taking advantage of her presence and disrespecting her as a professional if they allow her to care for the children during her “off hours.” Try to imagine yourself in the nanny’s shoes and make proactive changes that will inspire future nannies to stay with your family and feel appreciated.
A Micromanaged Nanny
With regards to a babysitter, childcare IS her calling. At the point when guardians continually question her strategies, the youngsters wriggle their direction into this fracture in philosophy, and can become unimaginable for the caretaker to teach. When they know that Mom and Dad will reverse her decisions, they are much less likely to take her seriously. This is a disgrace, in light of the fact that no matter how much the babysitter’s strategies are working for her yet the guardians subvert her position, making it acceptable for the kids to do likewise. Instead, if you have a problem with the way your babysitter in Gurgaon is disciplining the kids or managing them, set up a private time to talk to her. Making ideas is OK, however, make it clear to everybody that when the babysitter is ‘working’ she has the power. Make this point by adhering to the nanny’s rules or punishments throughout the day to demonstrate consistency to the children.